Clients Articles

An Attitude of Gratitude Can Help Your Business Grow

An Attitude of Gratitude Can Help Your Business Grow

How often do you show gratitude to your clients? You may send them a card for the holidays or give them a gift at the end of a project. But do you stay connected throughout the year? Ways to stay connected with past (and present) clients should be part of your marketing plan and budget. They are your best source for referrals!

The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to reach out to your client base to let them know how grateful you are for them and their business. You might use your creativity and come up with something that can arrive at their home to brighten their day and make them smile.

Simple But Thoughtful Gifts

You don’t need to buy a large gift item in order to show gratitude. But it might be a gift card at a favorite local tea and coffee establishment or a local wine store, bath and body store, etc. It doesn’t have to be expensive. But just something that lets them know you were thinking of them and thought they could use a little pick-me-up at the end of what has been a difficult year for many. Gift cards can be particularly helpful for last-minute gifts and can be sent with a card, including a short personal note. You might even visit a local florist and design an arrangement to be delivered to their home for the holidays.

We often have no idea what is going on “behind the scenes” in people’s lives and just a handwritten note or a delivery of flowers can bring a smile to someone going through challenges about which you may have no idea.

Have a Marketing Plan

If you have been following some of our articles and marketing challenges, you have hopefully put together a marketing plan. This should include a spreadsheet with information about each of your clients. The spreadsheet gives you and your team a quick reference guide to personal information about your clients – their anniversaries, birthdays, pets, children, grandchildren, favorite drinks, favorite charities, foods, flowers, and more. The information gives you the ability to pen a more personal note to each client and find a gift that is truly meaningful for that client and shows your gratitude.

Saying thank you is a wonderful way to not only express your gratitude, but also to keep your firm top of mind. Make it a point to let them know just how much you value them by sending a small gift or note. But don’t limit it to just this holiday season. That’s again where your marketing spreadsheet can help you identify and calendar specific times to reach out to clients during the year.

In this business you often develop lifelong relationships with clients and their business. Their referrals are responsible for helping your business to continue to grow and allow you to make a living doing what you love. Share your gratitude with them!

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