
July 19, 2023

Is the Money in the Bank Really Yours? How to Stay Afloat in Lean Times

3pm ET

Is the Money in the Bank Really Yours? How to Stay Afloat in Lean Times Image

Is the money in the bank really yours? As an elite interior design business owner, you may have asked yourself this question countless times. You work tirelessly to bring your client’s dream space to life, but are you truly maximizing your profits and securing your financial future?    

From Studio Designer’s The Work of Design Live!, join host Gail Doby, Co-Founder of Pearl Collective, for a meaningful presentation on the practical insights and strategies for assessing the financial health of your interior design firm and gain the necessary skills to make informed business decisions, identify areas of improvement, and optimize profitability.  

You’ll learn:

  • How to interpret financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.  
  • The importance of regularly reviewing your financials with your bookkeeper, CPA, or accountant.  
  • Practical tips for managing expenses, cash flow operations, and pricing services competitively without compromising your firm’s profitability.  
  • A peek into how to manage your projects and accounting in Studio Designer, saving you time and money.